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SPD Quality Improvement Experts

Gregg Agoston_transparent bg (1)_edited.
Marcy Konja_transparent_bg (2)

... we need to really uplift the role of Sterile Processing and the role of technicians in SPDs across the country.

-Marcy & Gregg

Straight from the SPD Quality Improvement experts


Episode 1: Join Marcy and Gregg as they explore the evolving challenges facing Sterile Processing in 2025. They will also share share their expertise on building strong departments through education and professional development!

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Episode 2: In this episode, Marcy and Gregg are identifying the four variables that every SPD manager needs to know, and how a shortage in any one area can lead to problems in your facility. Get ready to discover the variables that matter - tune in now!


Episode 3: In this episode, Marcy and Gregg are tackling how staffing shortages in Sterile Processing can impact quality, patient safety, and hospital costs. What is the true cost of short- staffing in our healthcare facilities? Find out in this episode!

Contact These Experts

Do you have questions about SPD Quality Improvement?

You can connect with Marcy at and

Gregg at

Learn more about SpecialtyCare by visiting their website.

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