This post is cross-posted on The Circulating Life

Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for, not just today, but every day of the year. Family, friends, and maybe friends we like more than family, food, clothing, housing - we all have plenty to be grateful for and today is a good day to reflect on our may blessings.
In addition to all of those things, we can also be very thankful that we work in the operating room. So today, I'm going to share the Top 10 things I'm thankful for as an OR nurse.
#10 Leaving Work on Time
This is a rare occurrence for sure, but so nice when it happens!
#9 Caffeine
Coffee, Monster, Red Bull... whatever you choose, it's the lifeblood of every shift.
#8 Shifts Without Add-Ons
#7 Propofol
It's a wonder drug
#6 Finding the locker room fully stocked with ALL scrub sizes
You mean I don't have to wear a 3X top and and XS bottom today?! It's a miracle!
#5 My favorite pen
Yes, I have a favorite pen. If you steal it, I will hunt you down.
#4 Scrub Caps
Every day I can come to work and not worry about what my hair looks like is a great day.
#3 Alexa
I am no longer the DJ for the room, and it's glorious.
#2 Clean Bellybuttons
Enough said.
#1 It's not Med-Surg
Perspective is a wonderful thing. So, in a sense, I'm thankful that I worked in Med-Surg. Why? Because in the 13 years I've worked in the OR I've yet to have a day that was as bad as a day on the floor. Yes, I've had rough days in the OR, but when compared to Med-Surg, they're just not so bad.
So there you have it. These are the Top 10 things that the operating room has made me thankful for. I'm sure you have your own things to add to the list, so please share them! I would love to hear what you're thankful for, too.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, filled with food, fun, family, friends, and happiness.
Until next time,
