Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are important members of our surgical teams. You'll find them working in the OR, in the pre-aesthesia clinics, and even helping to provide post-operative care. These advanced practice nurses are skilled in evaluating patients, in providing anesthesia and other medications to patients, in monitoring patients while they are receiving or recovering from anesthesia, and they can also provide pain management and emergency services, like airway management. They deliver this care safely and effectively, every single day.
CRNAs were the first healthcare providers dedicated to the specialty of anesthesiology and the first advanced practice nursing specialty. Their role dates back to the Civil War when nurses first gave anesthesia to wounded soldiers. (source) They were also the predominant providers of anesthesia during World War 1. (source) "Today, CRNAs are advanced practice registered nurses with graduate-level education who enjoy a high degree of autonomy and professional respect. CRNAs provide anesthetics to patients in every practice setting, and for every type of surgery or procedure. They are the sole anesthesia providers in nearly all rural hospitals, and the main provider of anesthesia to the men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces." (source)
We recognize that CRNAs have a critical role in the care of surgical patients, and we want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you! You are a valued member of the team, and we hope that you are celebrated and appreciated, not just this week, but every day!
If you want to learn more about what a CRNA does, click here!